Copying a machine using rsync

I am trying to copy a machine to another hosting (however, both on AWS). I have an AWS Lightsail x86 machine with Bitnami WordPress Multisite and have created a new Debian 11 (the same version of Debian as my Bitnami) on EC2. Then after installing and configuring rsync and configuring SSH public/private keys I run from Lightsail the following command to copy it: I will … Continue reading Copying a machine using rsync

Pure Dependency Injection in D

Dependency injection A little modified quote from Wikipedia, Dependency injection article (This quote is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0): In software engineering, dependency injection is a technique whereby one object (or static method) supplies the dependencies of another object. A dependency is an object that can be used (a service). An injection is the passing of a dependency to a dependent object (a client) that … Continue reading Pure Dependency Injection in D


The transcript of the correspondence with another developer

Iury de Oliveira was my business partner, see The Worst Software Startup Ever. But he has go somehow mad (probably of bad alcohol). Now he is threatening me by emails that he will distribute a wrong information about me (that I distribute his software, however, there is no his single line of code in this software). Probably he has gone mad of bad alcohol. Maybe … Continue reading The transcript of the correspondence with another developer

complex engineering

A New Independent Take on HTML Standards and How to Use My XML Templates in Practice

Almost since childhood I had two dreams: to discover algebraic general topology and to make my own XML standard on automatic conversion between XML namespaces. This article is related to the second topic. More specifically, this article is about applying my automatic XML transformations to the following problem: Create my own HTML-standard which is truly extensible, to which it’s easy to add macroses and scripting, … Continue reading A New Independent Take on HTML Standards and How to Use My XML Templates in Practice

complex engineering

A Programming Task I Overengineered

There is a C library librdf. I wrote its D wrapper to be used for my revolutionary software XML Boiler. I did for most kinds of objects *WithFinalize and *WithoutFinalize. *WithoutFinalize holds a copy of a C library handle, which should not be finalized when the D struct holding it is destroyed. I wrote even an article on this my “great” idea. But now I’ve … Continue reading A Programming Task I Overengineered

The Worst Software Startup Ever

A man once contacted me and offered to participate in a joint software project. At first, I misunderstood him and thought it is just some open source. I refused because have more important projects to work on. But we kept talking, I realized that the proposed project is commercial. The project didn’t look very promising, but I decided that it is better to share in … Continue reading The Worst Software Startup Ever

The anti-rating of people causing the most technological damage

This is the rating of the worst engineer decisions causing the most damage to the civilization. The 1 st place. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. Estimated amount of damage: $50 trillion. What they did: They invented C programming language. The damage: Due to a sticky tradition most operating systems are written in this silly programming language, what leads to countless errors, hard work … Continue reading The anti-rating of people causing the most technological damage

XML Boiler (Automatic transformation of XML namespaces) is released

I am happy to announce the first release (v0.1.0) of XML Boiler (Automatic transformation of XML namespaces) software. This release is alpha. But it seems to be already useful. For example, the documentation of XML Boiler is built using XML Boiler itself. Here is the list of advantages of this new kind of XML software:   freely intermix tag sets of different sets of tag semantics (using … Continue reading XML Boiler (Automatic transformation of XML namespaces) is released